May 8, 2024

Will the Biden Administration Abandon Democracy in Venezuela?


So Biden policy today is exactly wrong. It will fail–to increase oil supplies noticeably, to keep oil prices down, and to get Venezuelans to go back home. It will succeed in making life easier for Nicolas Maduro and his regime, and it will show Venezuelans that the Biden administration is thinking only about our election and abandoning the policy of helping them regain their freedom. The day the Biden administration extends the general license is the day administration officials should just plain stop telling us how human rights is at the center of their foreign policy. Let’s hope that instead, White House and State Department officials realize that their policy of “incentivizing” better conduct by Maduro by lifting sanctions has failed completely. A policy of pressure on Maduro and solidarity with Venezuelan democrats, unlikely though it seems today, is still within reach. By Elliott Abrams. Full Text-> CouncilofForeignRelations

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