May 17, 2024

Strategic Ambiguity Could Hand the Opposition A Black Swan Event

Courtesy of Caracas Chronicles

Fortunately, the events of March 25th were not enough to push the opposition away from its era of strategic ambiguity. Maduro’s latest dilemma greatly harmed the opposition but did not fully destroy the hard-fought unity built towards the upcoming elections. Similar to Machado’s ambiguity on if she will support Rosales or any other candidate in the future (“we go day by day”, she said in the press conference), Rosales also said in his first event as candidate in Zulia that he will support an opposition candidate that can overcome the government’s obstacles. The fact that neither Rosales nor the Unitary Platform leadership have definitively shut the door on a potential reconciliation is good news and a true testament to how much our leaders have matured. Only time will tell whether this umpteenth attempt at a democratic transition will prove successful. There are a lot of moving pieces to put into place, and much remains unclear regarding the opposition’s next steps. Until then, we can at least find some comfort in not knowing what our leaders are planning. By Pedro Garmendia. Full Text ->CaracasChronicles

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