May 20, 2024

Where do the millions of dollars stolen by the Venezuelan dictatorship that are confiscated by the US come from and where do they go?


In statements to Infobae, María Alejandra Márquez, president of the Initiative for the Recovery of Venezuelan Assets (Inrav), specified that the approximate calculation of the money stolen (only due to corruption), ranges between US $ 300,000 and US $ 500,000 million. 90% of this money comes from the state oil company PDVSA and the Venezuelan exchange system. “That does not include drug trafficking, terrorism, works not executed, gold trafficking …”, she added. The seized assets are transferred to two funds: “One from the Treasury Department, and another from the Justice Department. The Treasury has more to do with funds from drug trafficking and terrorism, which are seized through the so-called Clinton Act ”, By OnVenezuela

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