July 28, 2024

Venezuelan Supreme Court hands over Acción Democrática (AD) party to an ally of Chavismo

Retrieved from El Nacional

The former governor, Bernabé Gutiérrez, who was expelled recently from the Acción Democrática (AD) party, upon learning of his dealings with the government in appointing the new rectors of the National Electoral Council, filed an appeal with the Supreme Court of Justice ( TSJ). And this court proceeded to suspend the current AD directive and appoint him in charge of that party, replacing Henry Ramos Allup. Gutierres does not have the support of a single member of the board of directors, nor with the support of the party’s 25 territorial sections, nor with the 380 municipal groups, not even with any of the current deputies.
It is not the first time this happens. Other parties such as COPEI, the Movement to Socialism and Homeland for All, have already gone through this. This is expected to be an advance for the regime to control the country’s four most important political organizations.

Translation/ Traducción