August 8, 2024

The United States Supports Guaidó’s Proposal to “Restore Democracy” in Venezuela

Courtesy of Venezuela Presidency

The United States Ambassador to Venezuela, James Story, has expressed his support for the proposal of the Venezuelan opposition leader, Juan Guaidó. “We support the efforts of Guaidó and the Venezuelan opposition to peacefully restore democracy in Venezuela,” Story said through his social media. In line with what was expressed by Guiadó, the United States ambassador expressed in his social networks that the minimum conditions for the elections must include the unconditional release of political prisoners, greater access to humanitarian aid, freedom of the press, rehabilitation of policies and policies.
Regarding the lifting of sanctions, the northern ambassador limited himself to saying that international pressure will continue. Already the undersecretary of the State Department for the Western Hemisphere, Julie Chung, had clarified that in order to lift the sanctions they required that they be carried out precisely and directly: free and fair elections, respect for human rights and freedom of the press, freedom of the 323 politicians. prisoners, the cessation of the persecution against the opposition and desist from the harassment against civil society organizations. By OnVenezuela

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