July 27, 2024

A law against Fascism that perpetuates authoritarianism in Venezuela


Venezuela’s Vice President Delcy Rodríguez has presented a proposed Law against Fascism on behalf of President Nicolás Maduro. This law, which contains 30 articles, is considered to be a strategic move to minimize the freedoms of citizens and legalize censorship and repression ahead of the presidential elections. It has already passed its first discussion in the Venezuelan Parliament. Introduced alongside increased repression against activists and politicians, the law is seen as a significant blow to the democratic space leading up to the elections. Fines up to USD 100,000 and prison sentences ranging from six to 12 years are outlined in the law. Furthermore, any organizations or individuals financing or promoting prohibited messages can be penalized. The law also aims to justify political disqualifications and dissolution of social organizations, even on alleged fascist grounds. In addition, the term fascism as defined in the law encompasses various ideologies and trends including neoliberalism and moral conservatism. This law also poses a threat to citizen protest by explicitly prohibiting public meetings and demonstrations promoting fascism or similar ideologies. Critics around the world have labeled Maduro’s government as authoritarian and anti-democratic, akin to the concept of fascism this law stands against. Original text -> GlobalVoices

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