Venezuelan Youth – Summaries of news and views OnVenezuela Tue, 26 Oct 2021 21:31:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Venezuelan Youth – Summaries of news and views OnVenezuela 32 32 Juventud venezolana se reduce con menos oportunidades de estudio y trabajo, revela estudio Enjuve 2021 Wed, 27 Oct 2021 09:24:00 +0000

Una población reducida, con menos oportunidades de estudio y de trabajo; desinteresada por la política, preocupada por la economía y con menos confianza en las instituciones del Estado y en la democracia. Esas son las características más recientes de la juventud venezolana, según la segunda edición de la Encuesta Nacional sobre Juventud 2021 (Enjuve), presentada este martes 26 de octubre. By Mariana Souquett Gil. Texto Completo-> EfectoCocuyo

Courtesy translation-> A small population, with fewer study and work opportunities; disinterested in politics, concerned about the economy and with less confidence in state institutions and democracy. These are the most recent characteristics of Venezuelan youth, according to the second edition of the National Youth Survey 2021 (Enjuve), presented this Tuesday, October 26

A Response to ‘The Venezuelan Youth Movement Opposing Democracy’ Mon, 24 May 2021 11:30:02 +0000

In a recent piece for Caracas Chronicles, Carlos Rodríguez López links the rise of what he calls an authoritarian nationalism to an artificial nostalgia. For me, this phenomenon is about political exclusion By Guillermo Sardi. Full Text -> CaracasChronicles

The Venezuelan Youth Movement Opposing Democracy Wed, 19 May 2021 11:32:29 +0000

“I don’t believe in democracy, I don’t believe in globalism, I don’t believe in multiculturalism, I don’t believe in equality, I don’t believe in debauchery, and I don’t believe in multilateral organizations like the U.N. I’m a nationalist statist, and I’m proud to be one.” These are the words of John Patrick Acquaviva, a freestyle footballer turned political commentator with thousands of young followers on social media. By Carlos Rodríguez López. Full Text -> CaracasChronicles
