Venezuelan border – Summaries of news and views OnVenezuela Wed, 10 Aug 2022 11:55:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Venezuelan border – Summaries of news and views OnVenezuela 32 32 Venezuela Borders 1 Wed, 10 Aug 2022 05:00:00 +0000

And I must say from the outset that Venezuela has been an unlucky country in defending its neighboring islands and border areas, but it should also be noted that Venezuelan governments have sometimes neglected to protect one and the other; And above all take advantage of favorable opportunities and contexts to do so. Full Text ->Nation World News

Traducción de cortesía -> Y debo decir desde un principio que Venezuela ha sido un país desafortunado en la defensa de sus islas vecinas y zonas fronterizas, pero también cabe señalar que los gobiernos venezolanos en ocasiones han descuidado proteger a unos ya otros; Y sobre todo aprovechar las oportunidades y contextos favorables para hacerlo.

Venezuela se está convirtiendo en productor de coca Thu, 05 May 2022 11:46:21 +0000

El papel de Venezuela en el mercado transnacional de la cocaína está en un proceso de cambio, de ser un país de tránsito para la droga que sale de Colombia, a una nación productora. Este es uno de los principales hallazgos de la investigación titulada “La revolución de la cocaína en Venezuela”, elaborada por la fundación Insight Crime, que analiza el comportamiento del crimen organizado en América. Por Nelson Mata Colorado. Texto Completo-> ElColombiano

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Venezuela and the nightmare of landmines Tue, 22 Mar 2022 13:17:38 +0000

Almost a year after the use of landmines was first reported in Venezuela, their deployment now appears a routine tactic for Colombian guerrilla groups operating in the country, especially in border zones.In February, over 900 homemade explosive mines, made out of plastic containers and shrapnel, were decommissioned by Venezuelan Army forces in the Arenales district of the Apure province, bordering Colombia, according to information posted on Twitter by the head of the Venezuela Army’s strategic command, General Domingo Herández Lárez. Full Text -> InSightCrime

Versión en español ->

Casi un año después de que se informara por primera vez del uso de minas terrestres en Venezuela, su utilización parece haberse convertido en una táctica estándar de los grupos guerrilleros colombianos en el país, especialmente en la zona fronteriza. En febrero de este año, más de 900 minas explosivas caseras, hechas de contenedores de plástico y metralla, fueron desmanteladas por el Ejército venezolano en el sector Arenales, estado Apure, en la frontera con Colombia, según un tuit del general Domingo Hernández Lárez, director del comando estratégico del Ejército venezolano. Full Text -> InSightCrime

‘Narcotrafficking Is Taking Over’ Venezuela with Maduro’s Complicity, Colombia Says Tue, 27 Apr 2021 12:14:34 +0000

On April 3, Colombian Minister of Defense Diego Molano accused Venezuela of acting as an “accomplice” of Colombian narcotrafficking groups in heavy confrontations that have forced thousands of people to cross the border and take refuge in Colombia. “What is happening in Venezuela is that narcotrafficking is slowly taking over the country […] in collusion with the Bolivarian forces and the Maduro regime,” Molano said in an interview with the Colombian newspaper El Tiempo. Full Text-> Dialogo

Clashes reported on Venezuela-Colombia border Tue, 27 Apr 2021 12:11:21 +0000

The Venezuelan military said there were renewed armed clashes with a Colombian irregular group on the border with Colombia, reported by Anadolu Agency (AA) late Monday The clashes resulted in a “significant number” of Colombian causalities, and “some” Venezuelan casualties,” said the armed forces in a statement Monday. “Some of our troops died, whose bodies are being identified through the corresponding autopsy. Likewise, others were injured and are receiving due medical attention,” said the statement. Full Text -> DailySabah

Rights Group Cites Abuses by Venezuelan Forces Near Colombia Mon, 26 Apr 2021 15:20:20 +0000

Venezuelan security forces operating against Colombian rebels along the nations’ shared border have executed peasants, tortured and arbitrarily arrested people, and prosecuted civilians in military courts, an international monitoring group said Monday. By Regina García Cano. Full Text -> USNews

Colombia conducts military exercise in Venezuelan border region Tue, 20 Apr 2021 11:05:23 +0000

Colombian soldiers carried out this Saturday a military exercise in the Caribbean department of La Guajira, bordering Venezuela, and the Minister of Defense, Diego Molano, assured that the country is prepared to respond to any international threat.Full Text-> The Rio Times

Venezuela creates military unit on Colombia border amid fighting Tue, 06 Apr 2021 14:03:13 +0000

Venezuela has created a special military unit for an area on its border with Colombia that has been the center of clashes between troops and illegal armed groups since last month, the defense minister said on Monday. Thousands of civilians have been displaced by combat with fighters that the government of President Nicolas Maduro calls “terrorists.” By Vivian Sequera and Brian Ellsworth. Full Text -> Reuteres

Venezuelans Flee to Colombia Amidst Drug Trafficking Disputes Mon, 05 Apr 2021 15:15:59 +0000

Thousands of Venezuelans are fleeing to Colombia in response to violence over drug trafficking disputes. According to Reuters, Colombian Defense Minister Diego Molano said on March 28th that the power struggle between the Venezuelan military and illegal armed groups is the root of violence that persists in the country. By Chloe Jackson. Full Text -> The OWP

On Venezuela’s borders, COVID-19 hasn’t stopped a migrant exodus – but has made it more dangerous for all Mon, 05 Apr 2021 15:06:14 +0000

As gangs and guerrillas fight for control of illicit paths between Venezuela and Colombia, COVID-19′s more contagious Brazilian variant threatens to cause havoc on both sides.By Richard McColl. Full Text -> TheGlobalandMail
