US Congress – Summaries of news and views OnVenezuela Thu, 10 Mar 2022 13:41:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 US Congress – Summaries of news and views OnVenezuela 32 32 US Congress: $40 million for ‘democracy programs’ in Venezuela Thu, 10 Mar 2022 11:48:57 +0000

The bill, which is over 2,700 pages and was released Tuesday night, provides tens of millions of dollars to programs that appear to benefit Venezuela and Russia, who are currently in the middle of a global oil crisis generated by Russia’s unprovoked invasion of neighboring Ukraine. “Of the funds appropriated by this Act under the heading ‘Economic Support Fund’, not less than $40,000,000 shall be made available for democracy programs for Venezuela,” the bill states By Andrew Mark Miller. Full Text -> Fox News

Traducción de cortesía -> El proyecto de ley, que tiene más de 2700 páginas y se publicó el martes por la noche, proporciona decenas de millones de dólares a programas que parecen beneficiar a Venezuela y Rusia, que actualmente se encuentran en medio de una crisis mundial del petróleo generada por la invasión no provocada de Rusia a la vecina Ucrania. “De los fondos asignados por esta Ley bajo el rubro ‘Fondo de Apoyo Económico’, no menos de $40.000.000 estarán disponibles para programas de democracia para Venezuela”, señala el proyecto de ley.

Traducción al español -> Google Translación

Bill aims to arrest China, Russia influence in Latin America Tue, 08 Feb 2022 08:27:00 +0000

The bill seeks to counter what the senators, both sons of Cuban immigrants, consider the “harmful and malign influence” in Latin America of China and Russia, arguing that the “destabilizing” influence of authoritarian governments in Beijing and Moscow pose unique risks to U.S. national security interests as well as the region’s welfare. Full Text -> The Seattle Times

Traducción de cortesía -> El proyecto de ley busca contrarrestar lo que los senadores, ambos hijos de inmigrantes cubanos, consideran la “influencia dañina y maligna” en América Latina de China y Rusia, argumentando que la influencia “desestabilizadora” de los gobiernos autoritarios de Beijing y Moscú plantea riesgos únicos para EE.UU. los intereses de la seguridad nacional y el bienestar de la región. Traducción al español -> Google Translación

Could the US be heading towards civil war? Fri, 07 Jan 2022 18:38:53 +0000

She [Barbara F. Walter] has produced a title which adequately outlines, informs and explores the patterns apparent in the world’s most notable civil wars from the last 70 years, arguing that the US is next to face the music. Among Walter’s key observations, is the fact that the US is now an “anocracy” on the infamous polity scale, the prominence of political parties dabbling in “identity politics” which promotes “factionalism” (a key indicator of civil war), the presence of “ethnic entrepreneurs” and the accelerant of the problem that is social media. By Oliver-James Campbell. Full Text -> The Critic

Traducción de cortesía -> Ella ha producido un libro que describe, informa y explora adecuadamente los patrones aparentes en las guerras civiles más notables del mundo de los últimos 70 años, argumentando que EE. UU. es el próximo en enfrentar la música. Entre las observaciones clave de Walter, está el hecho de que Estados Unidos es ahora una “anocracia” en la infame escala política, la prominencia de los partidos políticos incursionando en “políticas de identidad” que promueven el “faccionalismo” (un indicador clave de la guerra civil), la presencia de “empresarios étnicos” y el acelerador del problema que son las redes sociales. Para una traducción completa vaya a -> Google Translación

After the insurrection. Fri, 07 Jan 2022 17:20:22 +0000

Domestic extremist movements have evolved and adapted their strategies, infrastructure, and messaging in the year since the insurrection at the US Capitol Building on January 6, 2021. Such movements were initially jubilant at the sight of extremist groups and former President Donald Trump’s most ardent supporters crashing through windows and brawling with police, temporarily halting the US Congress as it certified the 2020 election results. But, resulting arrests and scrutiny soured that cheer into a wicked brew of paranoia and fear that played out among these movements, both online and offline.

After a short period of relative inactivity, some radical movements began to resurface publicly. By the summer of 2021, other movements reorganized, making strategic adjustments along the way.

This report by the Digital Forensic Research Lab (DFRLab) provides an overview and analysis of the shifts observed in domestic extremist movements since the 2021 Capitol attack. As noted in the National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism, domestic extremist threats include groups and individuals “whose racial, ethnic, or religious hatred leads them toward violence” and those who incite “imminent violence in opposition to legislative, regulatory, or other actions taken by the government,” including self-proclaimed militias, “sovereign citizen” movements, and others promoting fringe ideological grievances. By Jared Holt, Full Text -> AtlanticCouncil

Traducción de cortesía ->

Los movimientos extremistas domésticos han evolucionado y adaptado sus estrategias, infraestructura y mensajes en el año transcurrido desde la insurrección en el edificio del Capitolio de los EE. UU. el 6 de enero de 2021. Dichos movimientos inicialmente estaban jubilosos ante la vista de los grupos extremistas y los partidarios más fervientes del expresidente Donald Trump. rompiendo ventanas y peleando con la policía, deteniendo temporalmente al Congreso de los EE. UU. mientras certificaba los resultados de las elecciones de 2020. Pero, los arrestos y el escrutinio resultantes agriaron esa alegría en una perversa mezcla de paranoia y miedo que se desarrolló entre estos movimientos, tanto en línea como fuera de línea.

Después de un breve período de relativa inactividad, algunos movimientos radicales comenzaron a resurgir públicamente. Para el verano de 2021, otros movimientos se reorganizaron, haciendo ajustes estratégicos en el camino.

Este informe del Laboratorio de Investigación Forense Digital (DFRLab) proporciona una descripción general y un análisis de los cambios observados en los movimientos extremistas nacionales desde el ataque al Capitolio de 2021. Como se indica en la Estrategia Nacional para la Lucha contra el Terrorismo Doméstico, las amenazas de los extremistas domésticos incluyen a grupos e individuos “cuyo odio racial, étnico o religioso los lleva a la violencia” y aquellos que incitan a “la violencia inminente en oposición a las medidas legislativas, reglamentarias o de otro tipo que se tomen por el gobierno ”, incluidas las milicias autoproclamadas, los movimientos de“ ciudadanos soberanos ”y otros que promueven agravios ideológicos marginales. For a comple translation go to-> Google Translación

House Republicans to Target Venezuela, Other Existing Threats to U.S. Mon, 12 Jul 2021 13:15:43 +0000

“Our adversaries work together all over the globe and we have seen adversaries like China and Russia working much closer together and working with countries like Cuba and Venezuela,” stated Rep. Steube. There are a number of other approaches that would protect U.S. national security, like working with our trade partners in the region, continuing sanctions against the Maduro regime, and ensuring that we take steps to prevent our adversaries from gaining a foothold in the region.” By Javier Manjarres. Full Text -> TheFloridian

Congressional Bill Would Create Fund For Billions In Seized Venezuelan Assets Thu, 06 May 2021 11:49:44 +0000

Venezuela’s authoritarian regime is accused of embezzling hundreds of billions of dollars — much of it laundered in South Florida. Thanks to a group headed by Venezuelan expats, a bill is now in Congress that would create a fund to safeguard the portion of those assets seized by the U.S. government for Venezuela’s future reconstruction. Republican Florida Sen. Marco Rubio co-introduced the Preserving Accountability for National Assets Act, or PANA, last week along with Texas Sen. Ted Cruz. Full TExt -> WLRN 91.3 FM

Florida Delegation Backs Michael Waltz’s Bill Ending Federal Contacts for Businesses Tied to Maduro Regime Fri, 29 Jan 2021 14:31:05 +0000

On Thursday, the Florida delegation in the U.S. House rallied behind U.S. Rep. Michael Waltz’s, R-Fla., proposal to end government contracts with businesses working with the Maduro regime. Waltz’s “Banning Operations and Leases with Illegitimate Authoritarian Regime (BOLIVAR) Act” would “prohibit the head of an executive agency from entering into a contract for the procurement of goods or services with any person that has business operations with the Maduro regime.” By Kevin Derby. Full Text -> FloridaDiary

How to Hold Venezuela’s Maduro Accountable for Human Rights Abuses Tue, 28 Apr 2020 15:10:50 +0000

A second potential route to holding Maduro responsible for human rights abuses would require congressional passage of a long-debated crimes against humanity statute and a federal criminal statute on extrajudicial killings, with retroactive application. While the federal torture statute might be applicable to Maduro’s case should he eventually be hauled to the United States to stand trial, the proposed new laws would give U.S. prosecutors more tools to charge him and future perpetrators for a broader range of crimes. By by Gissou Nia and Rodrigo Diamanti. Full Text-> Just Security
