Swiss Banks – Summaries of news and views OnVenezuela Tue, 22 Feb 2022 15:23:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Swiss Banks – Summaries of news and views OnVenezuela 32 32 Corrupt Venezuelans held accounts at Credit Suisse Tue, 22 Feb 2022 15:23:42 +0000

More than 20 Venezuelans linked to corruption involving state energy firm PDVSA had “assets of more than US$273 million in 25 Credit Suisse accounts,” a new investigation reveals. Texto Completo-> BuenosAiresTimes

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Venezuela la hizo cumbre en el Credit Suisse Mon, 21 Feb 2022 15:32:30 +0000

Resulta que no son ni millonarios europeos ni magnates asiáticos quienes detentan el liderazgo entre los cuentahabientes del segundo banco más grande y quizás el más icónico de Suiza, país bajo cuyo secreto bancario hasta no hace mucho llegaron a refugiarse 25% de las fortunas del mundo. Según se desprende de la muestra obtenida en la presente filtración, que incluye 18.000 cuentas abiertas desde 1940 hasta la década de 2010 y por las que fluyeron más de 100.000 millones de dólares, la mayor porción de clientes del Credit Suisse son ciudadanos nacidos en Venezuela o que declararon vivir en el país sudamericano. Texto Completo ->

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Swiss watchdog faults two more banks in Venezuela money-laundering probe Thu, 18 Nov 2021 13:40:59 +0000

Switzerland’s financial regulator reprimanded two more Swiss banks for breaching their obligations to combat money laundering as it wrapped up a five-year investigation into banks’ dealings with people linked to Venezuela’s state oil company PDVSA. The FINMA watchdog contacted 30 Swiss banks during its investigation. It has already taken issue with two former chief executives of private bank Julius Baer and rapped Credit Suisse for anti-corruption failings. Full Text -> SaltWire

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El regulador financiero de Suiza reprendió a dos bancos suizos más por incumplir sus obligaciones de combatir el lavado de dinero al concluir una investigación de cinco años sobre los tratos de los bancos con personas vinculadas a la petrolera estatal venezolana PDVSA. El organismo de control de FINMA se puso en contacto con 30 bancos suizos durante su investigación. Ya ha tenido problemas con dos ex directores ejecutivos del banco privado Julius Baer y criticó a Credit Suisse por fallas en la lucha contra la corrupción.

Swiss banker to Venezuelan kleptocrats becomes star witness Mon, 29 Mar 2021 12:11:42 +0000

Matthias Krull pulls up his pant leg and slides a gardening shear on the ankle monitor that for two years has been a constant reminder of his crimes. With a court order in hand, and a child’s voice echoing from the next room, the former Swiss banker snips the hard plastic — releasing a torrent of emotion as he contemplates his past mistakes and hopes for rebuilding what, until his arrest, had been a charmed life. By Joshua Goodman. Full Text ->570News

Swiss Find $10 Billion in Suspicious Venezuelan Funds Mon, 18 Jan 2021 14:08:57 +0000

Swiss prosecutors have identified bank accounts containing some 9 billion francs ($10.1 billion) that may have come from embezzled public funds in Venezuela, newspaper Le Matin Dimanche reported. Since opening investigations in late 2019, public prosecutors in Zurich have become aware of funds held by people close to the Venezuelan government in hundreds of accounts at around 30 banks, according to the report. By Jeff Black. Full Text -> Bloomberg

Swiss Bank Targeted For AML Failings With Venezuela Clients Tue, 06 Oct 2020 13:47:02 +0000

 Switzerland’s financial watchdog said on Tuesday that Banca Credinvest must end its relationships with Venezuelan clients after it found that the Swiss lender had seriously breached anti-money laundering rules when handling their cash. The commercial bank must immediately withdraw from all client relationships with a connection to Venezuela, the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority said. It also banned the bank from accepting any new clients that are considered to be high-risk, such as politically exposed persons, for three years. Full Text -> Law260
