South America – Summaries of news and views OnVenezuela Tue, 21 Jun 2022 13:00:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 South America – Summaries of news and views OnVenezuela 32 32 Venezuelan migrant kids face scourge of xenophobia in South America Tue, 21 Jun 2022 13:00:41 +0000

“At my school, when I arrived in Peru from Venezuela, it was really hard to adapt and I suffered xenophobia … mainly from my classmates because they saw me as different,” Adriana, now 14, told Efe. “What they did was just make fun of me.” It’s a story that could also be told by many of the other 6.1 million Venezuelans who have left their country in recent years in search of a better life, according to figures from the United Nations, which organizes World Refugee Day every June 20. By Fernando Gimeno and Gonzalo Dominguez Loeda. Full Text -> LaPrensaLatina

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“En mi escuela, cuando llegué a Perú desde Venezuela, fue muy difícil adaptarme y sufrí xenofobia… principalmente de mis compañeros porque me veían diferente”, cuenta a Efe Adriana, que ahora tiene 14 años. “Lo que hicieron fue burlarse de mí”. Es una historia que también podrían contar muchos de los otros 6,1 millones de venezolanos que han dejado su país en los últimos años en busca de una vida mejor, según cifras de Naciones Unidas, que organiza el Día Mundial del Refugiado cada 20 de junio.

Is South America where Iran will avenge Soleimani’s assassination? Sun, 02 Feb 2020 05:55:00 +0000

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has said that, under anti-American Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, “Hezbollah has active cells” and that, with their actions, “the Iranians are affecting the peoples of Venezuela and throughout South America.” By Eric Mandel . Full text -> The Hill
