Security Council – Summaries of news and views OnVenezuela Mon, 29 Aug 2022 12:43:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Security Council – Summaries of news and views OnVenezuela 32 32 How the “Arria formula” changed the work of the Security Council Mon, 29 Aug 2022 12:43:43 +0000

On August 11, 2022, the United Nations (UN) Security Council (UNSC) conducted a regular meeting on the “Arria formula,” which was dedicated to the topic of informal curatorship. Since the beginning of the year, 13 meetings have been held using the “Arria formula,” which was the total number of meetings in this format for the entire year of 2016. The unique informal instrument in the hands of the members of the UN Security Council is receiving increased attention. By Joseph P Chacko. Full Text -> FrontierIndia

Traducción de cortesía -> El 11 de agosto de 2022, el Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) (CSNU) realizó una reunión ordinaria sobre la “fórmula Arria”, que estuvo dedicada al tema de la curaduría informal. Desde principios de año se han realizado 13 encuentros bajo la “fórmula Arria”, que fue el total de encuentros bajo este formato para todo el año 2016. El único instrumento informal en manos de los miembros del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU El Consejo está recibiendo una mayor atención

Venezuela: Open VTC at UN Security Council Wed, 20 May 2020 17:32:53 +0000

Today (20 May) Security Council members are scheduled to hold an open videoconference (VTC) meeting on Venezuela. Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs Rosemary DiCarlo is expected to brief.The meeting was requested by Russia. It appears to have been prompted by a letter that Venezuela sent to the Security Council on 13 May (S/2020/399) in which it alleges that there was an attempt by groups of mercenaries to infiltrate Venezuela between 3 and 4 May, with the aim of perpetrating criminal acts and assassinating high-level officials in the country. The letter claims involvement by Colombia and the United States in the alleged attempted infiltration, and asks the Security Council to hold discussions on the matter. Full Text -> What’s in Blue

UN Security Council needs Canada post-pandemic, akin to Second World War: PM Wed, 20 May 2020 11:15:45 +0000

“For those that don’t agree with our position on Venezuela, the dictator, Maduro, is illegitimate,” said Trudeau. “He’s creating a huge humanitarian crisis in Venezuela, which is now sending refugees throughout Latin America, and we are with our allies and friends in South America to find a solution to his awful crisis.” Full Text -> The Squamish C hief

Statement of the Permanent MIssion of Russia to the UN on the COVID-19 Pandemic Situation in Venezuela (UNSC) Fri, 01 May 2020 11:00:00 +0000

As far as Russia is concerned, we delivered COVID-19-related humanitarian assistance to Caracas on 23 March and 8 April. We know that humanitarian assistance to the country is also provided by our Chinese and Cuban partners as well as by WHO and Pan-American Health Organization. This is the real help and not mere lip service and political slogans multiplied by our Western partners. Full Text -> Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations (NY)

UN members say EU sanctions have no effect on Venezuela aid Wed, 29 Apr 2020 14:18:22 +0000

“EU sanctions in Venezuela are targeted against individuals responsible for grave human rights violations and explicitly designed not to affect the population,“ Belgium, Germany, France and Estonia said in a statement. Britain was not part of their joint declaration.“Therefore the sanctions do not impede humanitarian or medical assistance in any way,“ the statement said. Full text -> The Sun Daily

UN council mum on Venezuela, EU members warn of coronavirus risks Wed, 29 Apr 2020 12:48:18 +0000

The UN Security Council took no action after discussing the humanitarian situation in Venezuela behind closed doors on Tuesday but its European Union members said the coronavirus pandemic risks having a devastating human impact in a country grappling with an already grave economic, social and humanitarian situation. A statement by France, Germany, Belgium, Estonia and former council member Poland reiterated EU concerns about the sharply deteriorating crisis in Venezuela and its destabilising effects across the region, including its severe humanitarian consequences. Full text -> The Hindu
