Pranato – Summaries of news and views OnVenezuela Thu, 13 Jul 2023 21:59:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Pranato – Summaries of news and views OnVenezuela 32 32 El ascenso del Estado criminal híbrido en Venezuela Thu, 13 Jul 2023 21:59:10 +0000

 After the death of Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez in 2013, his successor and vice president, Nicolás Maduro, faced a perfect storm of multiple crises. The legitimacy of Maduro as the new leader was challenged, as the economy was on the brink of collapse, leading to increased poverty, social unrest, and insecurity. Lacking popular charisma and support within the chavista political movement and the Venezuelan army, Maduro responded by converging the Venezuelan state with armed groups and organized crime, resulting in the emergence of a hybrid criminal state. Today, corrupt state actors and criminal groups collaborate, blurring the line between governance and criminality. Full article -> InsightCrime

Venezuela, Hub of Regional Organized Crime Wed, 31 Aug 2022 11:54:54 +0000

Narcotrafficking operations, gold and gasoline smuggling, and corruption in Venezuela’s ports and customs have increased in recent years as the South American country became a hub of organized crime in the region. These were some of the findings of a study by the Venezuelan branch of nongovernmental organization Transparency International, which states that these activities bring in more than $9.4 billion annually to criminal organizations who have the support of corrupt officials. B y Julieta Pelcastre. Full Text -> DiálogoAmérica

Traducción de cortesía -> Las operaciones de narcotráfico, el contrabando de oro y gasolina y la corrupción en los puertos y aduanas de Venezuela han aumentado en los últimos años a medida que el país sudamericano se convirtió en un centro del crimen organizado en la región. Estos fueron algunos de los hallazgos de un estudio de la filial venezolana de la organización no gubernamental Transparencia Internacional, que afirma que estas actividades aportan más de 9.400 millones de dólares anuales a las organizaciones criminales que cuentan con el apoyo de funcionarios corruptos.

Venezuela’s Endless Crisis Tue, 28 Sep 2021 14:13:40 +0000

The battles in Apure State may be a sign of things to come. The Venezuelan regime is not just a military dictatorship but also a criminal enterprise. Rather than a Weberian rational-bureaucratic state, what Maduro leads is a loose confederation of criminal chieftainships where he plays the role of capo di tutti capi—the boss of bosses. Normally, Maduro is able to arbitrate disputes between his captains. But sometimes, as in Apure, the system breaks down and violence erupts. By Moisés Naím and Francisco Toro. Full Text -> Foreign Affairs

Traducción de cortesía -> el stado Las batallas en Apure pueden ser una señal de lo que vendrá. El régimen venezolano no es solo una dictadura militar, sino también una empresa criminal. En lugar de un estado burocrático racional weberiano, lo que lidera Maduro es una confederación laxa de jefaturas criminales en la que él desempeña el papel de capo di tutti capi, el jefe de jefes. Normalmente, Maduro puede arbitrar disputas entre sus capitanes. Pero a veces, como en Apure, el sistema se rompe y estalla la violencia.

The Maduro Regime’s Illicit Activities: A Threat to Democracy in Venezuela and Security in Latin America Fri, 14 Aug 2020 12:14:00 +0000

Nicolás Maduro’s global web of illicit activities provides a lifeline of support to his regime and impedes a restoration of democratic stability in Venezuela. By Diego Area and Domingo Sadurní. Full Text-> Atlantic Council

Arms Glut in Venezuela Threatens State Institutions Fri, 28 Feb 2020 15:48:21 +0000

Power in Venezuela is slipping away from state institutions and concentrating in the hands of criminals, guerrillas and other non-state actors. Any new negotiations between government and opposition must consider how to defang these armed irregulars, who might otherwise scuttle an eventual settlement. By by International Crisis Group. Full text -> Havana Times / Full Report
