Orinoco Belt – Summaries of news and views OnVenezuela https://onvenezuela.com Thu, 31 Mar 2022 13:57:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 https://onvenezuela.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/cropped-Screen-Shot-2019-12-20-at-12.31.03-PM-1-32x32.png Orinoco Belt – Summaries of news and views OnVenezuela https://onvenezuela.com 32 32 Los aliados de Maduro en la trama del “oro de sangre” siembran el pánico en Venezuela https://onvenezuela.com/los-aliados-de-maduro-en-la-trama-del-oro-de-sangre-siembran-el-panico-en-venezuela/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=los-aliados-de-maduro-en-la-trama-del-oro-de-sangre-siembran-el-panico-en-venezuela Thu, 31 Mar 2022 11:24:44 +0000 https://onvenezuela.com/?p=14039

La región de la Guayana venezolana, que comprende los tres estados al sur del Orinoco (Amazonas, Bolívar y Delta Amacuro), ha experimentado un enorme aumento de la violencia, asociada fundamentalmente a la actividad de Grupos Armados Organizados (GAO) -aprobaba y propiciada por el Gobierno venezolano- en relación con la minería ilegal y otros negocios ilícitos que se derivan de ella. Por Yésica Sánchez. Texto Completo -> LibertadDigital

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Withdrawal from Carabobo Project 3 in Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela https://onvenezuela.com/withdrawal-from-carabobo-project-3-in-bolivarian-republic-of-venezuela/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=withdrawal-from-carabobo-project-3-in-bolivarian-republic-of-venezuela Wed, 13 Oct 2021 14:10:18 +0000 https://onvenezuela.com/?p=11457

 INPEX CORPORATION(INPEX) announced that Japan Carabobo UK Ltd. (hereinafter “JCUK”) had submitted a notification of withdrawal from Carabobo Project 3 (hereinafter “Project”) to the government of Venezuela and the Project partners by April 26, 2021, and has hereby terminated its business operations concerning the Project. Full Text->MarketScreener

Traducción de cortesía -> INPEX CORPORATION(INPEX) anunció que Japan Carabobo UK Ltd. (en adelante “JCUK”) había presentado una notificación de retiro del Proyecto Carabobo 3 (en adelante “Proyecto”) al gobierno de Venezuela y a los socios del Proyecto antes del 26 de abril de 2021, y ha por lo tanto puso fin a sus operaciones comerciales relacionadas con el Proyecto

U.N. report cites atrocities for Venezuelans in mining area. https://onvenezuela.com/u-n-report-cites-atrocities-for-venezuelans-in-mining-area/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=u-n-report-cites-atrocities-for-venezuelans-in-mining-area Mon, 27 Jul 2020 14:03:37 +0000 https://onvenezuela.com/?p=4663

U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet released a report on July 15 that collected victim and witness accounts. They detail abuses committed against miners and indigenous people in the arc. The report also addresses extrajudicial killings that continue to occur throughout the country under the illegitimate regime of Nicolás Maduro and his cronies.By Noelani Kirschner. Full Text -> ShareAmerica

Caracas Venezuela’s Orinoco Belt crude output drops to 235,000 b/d; lowest since September 2019 https://onvenezuela.com/caracas-venezuelas-orinoco-belt-crude-output-drops-to-235000-b-d-lowest-since-september-2019/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=caracas-venezuelas-orinoco-belt-crude-output-drops-to-235000-b-d-lowest-since-september-2019 Thu, 28 May 2020 13:23:55 +0000 https://onvenezuela.com/?p=3516

The production of crude by Venezuela’s state-owned PDVSA and its partners in the Orinoco Belt fell to 235,000 b/d, or 18% of the region’s maximum 1.3 million b/d capacity, on May 26, due to storage limitations and the lack of light crude to dilute the region’s extra heavy crudes, according to a technical report reviewed by S&P Global Platts. By Mery Mogollon. Full Text -> SPGlobal Platts
