Militarization – Summaries of news and views OnVenezuela Thu, 09 Sep 2021 14:00:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Militarization – Summaries of news and views OnVenezuela 32 32 Diez militares hacen parte del gabinete de Nicolás Maduro y solidifican su poder en Venezuela Thu, 09 Sep 2021 13:48:41 +0000

En su última reforma de Gobierno, el presidente venezolano, Nicolás Maduro, ha mostrado el papel que desempeñan los militares en su seno. Son diez los ministros de uniforme -tres de ellos vicepresidentes- y ocupan cargos clave al que han sumado el de Minería, desde el pasado 20 de agosto.Los diez militares ocupan las carteras del Despacho de la Presidencia, Interior, Defensa, Agricultura, Alimentación, Vivienda, Obras Públicas, Energía Eléctrica, Frontera y Desarrollo Minero Ecológico, este último en manos de civiles hasta la última reforma del Ejecutivo. Full Text -> El Universo

 Courtesy translation-> In his latest government reform, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has shown the role that the military plays within him. There are ten ministers in uniform – three of them vice presidents – and they occupy key positions, to which they have added that of Mining, since last August 20.

Rafael Uzcátegui: ‘This is a Level of Control Chavismo Had Only Dreamed Of’ Fri, 01 May 2020 11:21:30 +0000

The response that has prevailed in Venezuela has been military in nature, over a system that prioritizes the medical, technical, and scientific approach. One example is health minister Carlos Alvarado’s absence in press briefings. There are still parts of the country that are militarized to control the population, as we’ve seen in low-income sectors, and there’s also the use of armed irregulars, as is the case of the curfew installed in 23 de Enero (western Caracas). With this, they want to dominate, hide discontent and impose a single message: the pandemic is under control. By Gabriela Mesones Rojo. Full Text-> Caracas Chronicles
