Migration in the Western Hemisphere has undergone a remarkable evolution in recent decades. What was once a conversation between the...
A recent report by Interagency Coordination Platform for Refugees and Migrants in Venezuela (Plataforma de Coordinación Interagencial para Refugiados y...
A never-before-seen influx of Venezuelan migrants is causing an unprecedented crisis in Costa Rica, particularly in the northern part of...
The Ministerial Conference on Migration and Protection with the government of Panama will host leaders from 20 nations in the...
Esta investigación recoge directamente las percepciones y experiencias que da respuestas a preguntas como ¿Quiénes son?; ¿Emigran de Venezuela, o...
The Canada Venezuela Democracy Forum has initiated a Petition (e-3105) to the Parliament of Canada requesting an investigation to be...
Hugo Chávez also promised to make everyone in his country equally well-off. The concept sold in a nation that believed...
Thousands of Venezuelan migrants who have returned to their country this month amid the coronavirus epidemic have been ordered into...
For millions of Venezuelan migrants who fled the crisis in their homeland, many struggling daily in countries across Latin America...
PAHO also said it was working to assist countries with large migrant populations, and would be sending teams to the...