MAGAzuelan – Summaries of news and views OnVenezuela Mon, 10 Oct 2022 17:16:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 MAGAzuelan – Summaries of news and views OnVenezuela 32 32 Will Venezuelans in Florida Turn Against DeSantis? Mon, 10 Oct 2022 17:16:22 +0000

“Here in Miami, we have the headquarters of many Venezuelan outlets—EVTV, TV Venezuela—with prominent journalists who have openly supported the Republican Party, former President Trump, and Ron DeSantis. And these journalists would very rarely give coverage to any action that the Democrats were doing or criticize the Republican leadership. That has not been the case this time around. Those same journalists who have been openly supportive of Republican leadership now are putting President Biden’s statements on Instagram and talking about the lawsuits against Ron DeSantis. I have not seen that in the past electoral cycles.” By Gisela Salim-Peyer. Full Inerview -> TheAtlantic

Traducción de cortesía -> “Aquí en Miami, tenemos la sede de muchos medios venezolanos, EVTV, TV Venezuela, con destacados periodistas que han apoyado abiertamente al Partido Republicano, al expresidente Trump y a Ron DeSantis. Y estos periodistas muy rara vez darían cobertura a cualquier acción que los demócratas estaban haciendo o criticando al liderazgo republicano. Ese no ha sido el caso esta vez. Esos mismos periodistas que han apoyado abiertamente al liderazgo republicano ahora están poniendo las declaraciones del presidente Biden en Instagram y hablando de las demandas contra Ron DeSantis. Tengo no visto eso en los ciclos electorales pasados”

Can Venezuelan recreate the Cuban American voter playbook? Fri, 16 Sep 2022 12:30:43 +0000

Ahead of the 2020 presidential election, former President Donald Trump was making gains with the Cuban American voters in South Florida.With those votes locked in, he set his sights on another promising group: Venezuelan Americans.  His campaign and other conservatives focused on their growing fears of socialism and political unrest in the United States. This resonated among many Venezuelan Americans, whose South American country has been governed by a socialist government since 1999. By Rebbeca Morin. Full Text -> USAToday

Traducción de cortesía -> Antes de las elecciones presidenciales de 2020, el expresidente Donald Trump estaba logrando avances con los votantes cubanoamericanos en el sur de la Florida. Con esos votos asegurados, fijó su mirada en otro grupo prometedor: los venezolanos estadounidenses. Su campaña y la de otros conservadores se centraron en sus crecientes temores al socialismo y la agitación política en los Estados Unidos. Esto resonó entre muchos venezolanos estadounidenses, cuyo país sudamericano ha sido gobernado por un gobierno socialista desde 1999

Chávez Trauma and the MAGAzuelan Phenomenon Mon, 22 Mar 2021 11:22:00 +0000

Two decades of polarization, misinformation, and conspiracy theories under chavista propaganda were critical in making Trump so popular among Venezuelans. By Juan Camilo Azpurua. Full Text -> CaracasChronicles
