Iranian Oil – Summaries of news and views OnVenezuela Tue, 10 May 2022 10:43:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Iranian Oil – Summaries of news and views OnVenezuela 32 32 Venezuela Begins Imports Of Iranian Heavy Crude For Refining Tue, 10 May 2022 10:43:02 +0000

The development comes as part of a swap agreement signed between the two countries, both slapped with United States’ sanctions, Reuters reported on Monday.As part of the deal, PDVSA imports Iranian condensate to dilute and process its extra heavy oil for export while Venezuelan crude is being shipped via the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC).According to the documents, at least 200,000 barrels of Iranian heavy crude were delivered in mid-April to the 310,000-bpd Cardon refinery, Venezuela’s second largest, while another 400,000-barrels, which arrived on the very large crude carrier (VLCC) Dino I, is discharging this week at the country’s Jose port. Full Text -> IranInternational

Traducción de cortesía -> El desarrollo se produce como parte de un acuerdo de intercambio firmado entre los dos países, ambos afectados por las sanciones de Estados Unidos, informó Reuters el lunes. Como parte del acuerdo, PDVSA importa condensado iraní para diluir y procesar su petróleo extrapesado para exportación, mientras que Venezuela El crudo se envía a través de la Compañía Nacional de Petróleo de Irán (NIOC). Según los documentos, a mediados de abril se entregaron al menos 200.000 barriles de crudo pesado iraní a la refinería Cardón de 310.000 bpd, la segunda más grande de Venezuela, mientras que otros 400.000 barriles , que llegó en el buque de crudo de gran tamaño (VLCC) Dino I, está descargando esta semana en el puerto Jose del país

Traducción al español -> Google Translación

Let’s plug the sanctions gaps that enable Iran to sell oil to China and Venezuela Tue, 19 Oct 2021 12:49:42 +0000

With a better understanding of the shipping subterfuge, the U.S. and its allies can make the whole rogue enterprise prohibitively costly for all parties, plugging enforcement gaps and truly squeezing Tehran. By Daniel Toth and Clair Jungman. Full Text-> TheHill

Traducción de cortesía -> Con una mejor comprensión del subterfugio del transporte marítimo, EE. UU. Y sus aliados pueden hacer que toda la empresa deshonesta sea prohibitivamente costosa para todas las partes, tapando las brechas en la aplicación de la ley y exprimiendo realmente a Teherán.

US sells oil seized from Iran to Venezuela for $40 million Fri, 30 Oct 2020 14:35:20 +0000

He said a “great portion” of it would be contributed to a US fund for victims of “state-sponsored terrorism.”US courts have ordered Iran’s clerical regime to pay damages over attacks, most recently in July when a judge told Tehran to pay $879.1 million over a 1996 bombing in Saudi Arabia that killed 19 US airmen. Full Text -> France24

Venezuela Is Buying Iranian Oil With Planes Full Of Gold Tue, 29 Sep 2020 14:04:40 +0000

According to Major General Yahya Safavi of IRGC, Iran transported the gold from Venezuela to Tehran via airplanes in order to “prevent any accident during transit.”  Iran is also helping Venezuela in preventing cyber attacks, the Iranian military official said.  By Charles Kennedy. Full Text-> OilPrice
