International Contact Group – Summaries of news and views OnVenezuela Sat, 05 Feb 2022 15:07:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 International Contact Group – Summaries of news and views OnVenezuela 32 32 Venezuela: Reunión del Grupo Internacional de Contacto Sat, 05 Feb 2022 13:06:00 +0000

El Grupo considera una reforma integral del sistema judicial como una oportunidad para reforzar la igualdad de condiciones y la imparcialidad de elecciones futuras. El GIC reitera que la única salida a la crisis que atraviesa Venezuela es la negociación política, liderada por los propios venezolanos, que lleve a la organización de elecciones creíbles, inclusivas y transparentes a todos los niveles, incluido a nivel presidencial. Full Text -> European External Action Service – EEAS

Latin America Swinging Toward EU Position on Venezuela Wed, 03 Feb 2021 15:55:37 +0000

Chile and the Dominican Republic are the latest Latin American countries to join the EU-led International Contact Group (ICG) on Venezuela, a move that highlights Latin America’s growing distance from US sanctions-based policy. Full Text -> TheRioTimes

Chile Joins International Contact Group On Resolving Crisis In Venezuela- Foreign Ministry Wed, 03 Feb 2021 15:39:13 +0000

 Chile has joined an International Contact Group on resolving the crisis in Venezuela, the Chilean foreign ministry said. “Amid the serious crisis in Venezuela and due to the international community’s efforts to contribute to the peaceful transition to democracy in this country, Chile made a decision to join the International Contact Group (GIC),” the ministry said on Tuesday. Full Text -> UrduPoint

International Contact Group on Venezuela: Ministerial Declaration Tue, 02 Feb 2021 20:31:52 +0000

3. ICG members reiterate that the only way out of the crisis is to resume political negotiations promptly and to urgently establish an inclusive Venezuelan-led dialogue and transition process leading to credible, inclusive and transparent elections in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and the laws of Venezuela. Full Text -> EuropeanUnion ExternalActionService

Borrell convenes the International Contact Group on Tuesday to discuss the situation in Venezuela Fri, 29 Jan 2021 14:23:32 +0000

“El grupo discutirá los últimos acontecimientos en Venezuela así como la situación humanitaria. También debatirá sobre posibles nuevos pasos, incluyendo la interlocución con otros actores internacionales”, ha informado a Europa Press la portavoz de Exteriores de la UE Nabila Massrali.

International Contact Group on Venezuela Ministerial Declaration Fri, 18 Sep 2020 13:22:10 +0000

ICG members concluded that conditions are not met, at the moment, for a transparent, inclusive, free and fair electoral process. All obstacles to political participation must be removed in order for a meaningful electoral process to take place. This includes, inter alia, respect for the constitutional mandate of the democratically elected National Assembly, returning control of political parties to their rightful administrators, cessation of the disqualification and prosecution of political leaders, full restoration of their and other candidates’ rights to equal political participation, a comprehensive update of the voter register, including young voters and Venezuelans abroad, and an independent and balanced CNE, and equal participation and unrestricted access to all media. The ICG requests that these obstacles to free, fair and credible elections be promptly addressed. Press Statement -> Oficial Website of the European Union

Breaking News -> Joint Declaration of Support for Democratic Change in Venezuela Fri, 14 Aug 2020 19:05:50 +0000

We, a group of concerned countries including members of the Lima Group, the International Contact Group, the European Union, the United States, and others, call upon all Venezuelans, of all ideological tendencies and party affiliations, whether civilian or military, to put the interests of Venezuela above politics and engage urgently in support of a process shaped and driven by Venezuelans to establish an inclusive transitional government that will lead the country into free and fair presidential elections, sooner not later. National Assembly elections alone do not present a political solution and instead may further polarize an already divided society. Full Text -> Global Public Affairs DoS
