Housing – Summaries of news and views OnVenezuela https://onvenezuela.com Wed, 06 Jul 2022 11:24:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 https://onvenezuela.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/cropped-Screen-Shot-2019-12-20-at-12.31.03-PM-1-32x32.png Housing – Summaries of news and views OnVenezuela https://onvenezuela.com 32 32 Hundreds of Venezuelans left to live in crumbling homes https://onvenezuela.com/hundreds-of-venezuelans-left-to-live-in-crumbling-homes/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=hundreds-of-venezuelans-left-to-live-in-crumbling-homes Wed, 06 Jul 2022 11:24:11 +0000 https://onvenezuela.com/?p=15253

According to president Nicolás Maduro, last week the state delivered on its pledge to provide 4.1 million housing units as part of its flagship Housing Mission to move people living in high risk homes into new properties.But those living in the crumbling houses say they have been waiting for years for the government to provide them with a new home and allow them to live in peace. Full Text-> LaPrensaLatina

Traducción de cortesía -> Según el presidente Nicolás Maduro, la semana pasada el estado cumplió su compromiso de proporcionar 4,1 millones de unidades de vivienda como parte de su Misión de Vivienda emblemática para trasladar a las personas que viven en viviendas de alto riesgo a nuevas propiedades. esperando durante años que el gobierno les proporcione un nuevo hogar y les permita vivir en paz.

Viviendas en el aire https://onvenezuela.com/viviendas-en-el-aire/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=viviendas-en-el-aire Tue, 21 Dec 2021 15:59:13 +0000 https://onvenezuela.com/?p=12757

El Gobierno de Nicolás Maduro asegura que a través de la GMVV se construyeron 3.524.378 viviendas hasta el 23 de abril de 2021. Pero esta investigación de El Pitazo y Connectas, con apoyo del International Center for Journalist (ICFJ), no pudo ubicar esa cantidad de casas. Corresponsales y reporteros de El Pitazo registraron en una base de datos las viviendas construidas en el marco de la GMVV. … La data construida y verificada por 34 periodistas de El Pitazo logró ubicar y contar sólo 5% de las viviendas que asegura el Gobierno ha construido a través de esta misión. Texto Completo-> ElPitazo/Connectas

Courtesy Translation -> The Government of Nicolás Maduro assures that 3,524,378 homes were built through the GMVV until April 23, 2021. But this investigation by El Pitazo and Connectas, with support from the International Center for Journalist (ICFJ), could not locate that number of houses. Foreign correspondents and reporters from El Pitazo registered the houses built within the framework of the GMVV in a database. … The data analyzed and verified by 34 journalists from El Pitazo managed to locate and count only 5% of the homes that the Government assures it has built through this mission.

“Housing for rent with a well” https://onvenezuela.com/housing-for-rent-with-a-well/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=housing-for-rent-with-a-well Thu, 20 Aug 2020 13:31:40 +0000 https://onvenezuela.com/?p=5143

The desperate search for water in Venezuela Only 26% of Venezuelan households receive water daily in their homes; thirst and supply problems have led many citizens to become dowsers. By Beatriz García. Full Text-> AlDiaNews
