Foreign Affairs – Summaries of news and views OnVenezuela Fri, 02 Sep 2022 12:20:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Foreign Affairs – Summaries of news and views OnVenezuela 32 32 Saime and the Foreign Ministry work together to issue passports Fri, 02 Sep 2022 12:20:33 +0000

In recent years, many Venezuelans in certain countries were unable to renew their IDs or passports at the respective consulates. This is due to the rupture of diplomatic relations between the nation of origin and the host nation, or due to failures in the platforms set up for this purpose, according to the government, due to computer attacks or sabotage of the Saime system. This generated delays in renewals and in the issuance of identification documents inside and outside the country, so that hundreds of Venezuelans abroad do not have their personal documentation in order.Full Text -> UPJobsNews

Traducción de cortesía -> En los últimos años, muchos venezolanos en ciertos países no pudieron renovar sus cédulas o pasaportes en los respectivos consulados. Esto se debe a la ruptura de relaciones diplomáticas entre la nación de origen y la nación anfitriona, o por fallas en las plataformas habilitadas para tal fin, según el gobierno, por ataques informáticos o sabotaje al sistema Saime. Esto generó retrasos en las renovaciones y en la emisión de documentos de identidad dentro y fuera del país, por lo que cientos de venezolanos en el exterior no tienen su documentación personal en regla.

A New Twist in the Spanish Approach to Politics in Venezuela: Podemos in the Spanish Government Mon, 06 Apr 2020 12:41:49 +0000

During the last pseudo-legislature in Spain, the position that had been maintained by the Spanish government towards Venezuela and its government was not too far from the quasi-common position that was established at the European level. After the entry of Podemos, a far-left party, into the Spanish government, the Spanish narrative towards the Latin American country and its leaders has taken a turn that calls into question the position of the Spanish government towards Venezuela. By Violeta Alcaraz Martinez. Full text -> Russian International Affairs Council
