er Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) – Summaries of news and views OnVenezuela Mon, 10 Jan 2022 15:11:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 er Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) – Summaries of news and views OnVenezuela 32 32 Colombia criticizes Celac’s “opportunistic silences” on Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela Mon, 10 Jan 2022 15:11:08 +0000

“We cannot have opportunistic silences in front of fundamental values, which were and always will be fundamental everywhere, such as the defense of democracy, freedoms and human rights”, said Londoño, reading the speech of the Colombian Chancellor Marta Lucía Ramírez, inside the 22nd meeting. of Celac’s foreign ministers, which opened this Friday in Buenos Aires. Full text -> TheManimentCurrent

Traducción de cortesía -> “No podemos tener silencios oportunistas frente a valores fundamentales, que fueron y serán siempre fundamentales en todas partes, como son la defensa de la democracia, las libertades y los derechos humanos”, dijo Londoño, leyendo el discurso de la canciller colombiana Marta Lucía Ramírez, dentro del 22ª reunión de cancilleres de la Celac, que se inauguró este viernes en Buenos Aires. Para traducir el texto completo use -> Google Translación

Firman un acuerdo con China con puntos críticos para Estados Unidos Mon, 10 Jan 2022 15:03:03 +0000

Pocos funcionarios siquiera mencionaron, tal vez para no irritar a Estados Unidos en momentos de cruciales negociaciones con el FMI, que la presidencia argentina deberá comenzar a poner en marcha el denominado Plan de Acción Conjunta China-Celac, firmado en los últimos días de la gestión de México al frente del foro y que supone una serie de puntos de “cooperación en áreas clave” durante los próximos tres años, en plena disputa política y comercial del gigante asiático con Washington por la hegemonía mundial. A poco menos de un mes del viaje del presidente Alberto Fernández a China, con reunión bilateral con el presidente Xi Jinping incluida, el texto adquiere una renovada importancia y preocupa a quienes, desde la oposición, creen que sectores del Gobierno buscan una alianza estratégica de largo alcance con Beijing. Por Jaime Rosemberg. Texto Completo -> LaNación

Mexico proposes a European Union-style block for Latin America and the Caribbean Mon, 20 Sep 2021 23:38:12 +0000

“We should build in the American continent something similar to what was the economic community that was the beginning of the current European Union,” the leftist Lopez Obrador said. He emphasized the need to respect national sovereignty and adhere to non-interventionist and pro-development policies.Full Text-> Yucatan Times 

Traducción de cortesía -> “Deberíamos construir en el continente americano algo parecido a lo que fue la comunidad económica que fue el inicio de la actual Unión Europea”, dijo el izquierdista López Obrador. Destacó la necesidad de respetar la soberanía nacional y adherirse a políticas no intervencionistas y pro desarrollo.

Maduro’s legitimacy questioned at the CELAC meeting Mon, 20 Sep 2021 12:54:05 +0000

Maduro appeared at the last minute at a one-day meeting of the 33-member Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), on his first trip since the North American judicial system offered a reward for his capture. There he was challenged by various leaders who told him that they did not recognize him as the legitimate president of Venezuela. The presidents of Uruguay and Paraguay said that his presence at the summit did not mean that they recognize Maduro as president. While the meeting was taking place, the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs published a statement attacking Maduro’s lack of “democratic principles”. By OnVenezuela

Maduro appeared at the last minute at a one-day meeting of the 33-member Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), on his first trip since the US judicial system offered a reward for his capture. There he was challenged by various leaders who told him that they did not recognize him as the legitimate president of Venezuela. The presidents of Uruguay and Paraguay said that his presence at the summit did not mean that they recognize Maduro as president. While the meeting was taking place, the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs published a statement attacking Maduro’s lack of “democratic principles.”
