Ecuador – Summaries of news and views OnVenezuela Thu, 18 May 2023 15:05:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Ecuador – Summaries of news and views OnVenezuela 32 32 Ecuador: ¿ Autogolpe o salida democrática? Thu, 18 May 2023 14:00:00 +0000

El presidente de Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso, ha dado un paso audaz al disolver el congreso del país en un intento por evitar un juicio político, una medida que se produce en un momento en que los valores democráticos están en declive y la agitación política prevalece en América Latina.

El anuncio de Lasso se produjo el miércoles por la mañana, poco después del inicio de su juicio político, que probablemente hubiera resultado en su destitución del poder en los próximos días.

En un tuit, el empresario conservador de 67 años, que ganó las elecciones de abril de 2021 al derrotar al economista de izquierda Andrés Arauz, afirmó que disolver el congreso es la mejor manera de enfrentar la crisis política y permitir que el pueblo de Ecuador determine su futuro a través de unas próximas elecciones.

Al invocar una disposición constitucional llamada cláusula de “muerte cruzada”, la decisión de Lasso le otorga la capacidad de gobernar sin la legislatura hasta que se celebren nuevas elecciones. Algunos observadores especulan que esta maniobra podría beneficiar al presidente, ya que sería elegible para postularse en las próximas elecciones.

Sin embargo, la suspensión del congreso es un revés para la democracia de Ecuador y refleja las perturbaciones políticas que prevalecen en la región. América Latina ha estado lidiando con una variedad de desafíos, que incluyen levantamientos en los Andes peruanos, crecientes represiones autoritarias en Nicaragua y El Salvador, un supuesto intento de golpe militar en Brasil, regresión democrática en México y un aumento en la violencia de pandillas en Haití.

El decreto de 11 páginas de Lasso, que entra en vigencia de inmediato, justifica la decisión como una respuesta a una grave crisis política y agitación interna. El decreto ordena a las autoridades electorales organizar elecciones dentro de los próximos siete días, con el objetivo de evitar una escalada violenta como las protestas masivas que paralizaron Quito y otras partes del país el año anterior.

En su discurso inaugural en mayo de 2021, Lasso se presentó como un líder orientado a la acción que guiaría a Ecuador hacia un futuro caracterizado por la igualdad social y la estabsilidad económica. Sin embargo, el exbanquero ha enfrentado desafíos importantes, incluidas las repercusiones de la pandemia de COVID-19 y un aumento de la violencia relacionada con las drogas asociada con los cárteles mexicanos. Además, se ha enfrentado frecuentemente con la asamblea nacional controlada por la oposición.nclu

Si bien Lasso sobrevivió al intento inicial de juicio político de la oposición el año anterior, parecía probable que fuera destituido de su cargo luego del comienzo de una audiencia de juicio político basada en acusaciones de malversación de fondos, que él niega. La disolución del congreso a través del decreto pone fin de manera efectiva a estos procedimientos.

Para destituir a Lasso del poder, los legisladores de la oposición necesitaban 92 votos de 137 en la sesión de la asamblea nacional que comenzó el martes. Mientras que algunos analistas creen que esta acción podría traer un equilibrio político al país, ya que nuevas elecciones abren un camino para resolver la crisis actual. Otros consideran que esto Lasso ha cometido un suicidio político. Y tambien están lo que acusan a Lasso de haberse dado autogolpe, al estilo peruano, y que esto es un paso hacia la dictadura, pues Lasso gobernará por seis meses por decreto, o hasta que se elija un nuevo presidente.

Por ahora las mejores opciones de triunfo son para los “correistas”, que vienen de ganar las anteriores elecciones locales. Un triunfo de ellos reforzaría la tendencia, hacia el populismo de izquierda que reaparece en la región.

Ecuador will partner US to fight crime Fri, 21 Apr 2023 14:19:00 +0000

When Lasso won the presidency of Ecuador, many of us thought it was a signal that the trend towards the rise of the power of left-wing populist governments could be reverse, and that the countries and democratic forces of the continent, including the US, would take advantage of this to promote democracy in the region.

  Trade and investment were Lasso’s main priorities, but US response did not materialize. Then Ecuador made it clear that it would go elsewhere, to obtain them, including China and Russia.

The Lasso’s call for help seems to be ignored by the US seemed, judging by what happened. His request was not enough to move Biden’s administration.

However,  there was some compromise, spurred by bipartisan hearings at the US Senate, such as the US-Ecuador Partnership Bill, the bill that is awaiting a final vote in the Senate. More recently, several US Senators, from the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, introduced an Innovation and Development in Ecuador Act (IDEA), in order to allow Ecuador to be eligible to receive benefits under the Recovery Act. Economics of the Caribbean Basin.

But, this has been, for several analysts, “too little, too late.” As Ryan Berg, said: There is a most unfortunate message in Ecuador’s story that other countries in “LatinAmerica will absorb “The US would like you to engage it as a partner of choice, but it often won’t be there for you. By the time you figure it out, it’s too late. Better to find other partners.”

Ecuador is now facing security challenges without having reached the development help it requires.

A “Plan Ecuador”?

However, The U.S. hopes to collaborate with Lasso’s government by improving Ecuador’s security. This is one of the few countries in the region with a positive story, and there are concerns that insecurity could undermine its democracy.

Ecuador is experiencing a surge in violence fueled by cross-border criminal organizations that have caused over 500 more homicides from January to October in 2021. Despite Ecuador’s President declaring a state of public emergency and the success of a military and police mobilization to fight drug-related violence, underlying insecurity remains due to drug cartels operating along the borders.

President Lasso has requested a “Plan Ecuador” (somewhat similar to the “Plan Colombia”) partnership with the US to tackle security issues and drug trafficking.

Ecuador’s President has declared a state of public emergency and mobilized military and police to fight drug trafficking after the country’s Pacific coast became an important point for drug cartels. Turf wars between Mexico’s dominant cartels have contributed to the increased levels of violence. However, despite the success of the campaign, drug cartels continue to operate along the borders.

The US has increased its cooperation with Ecuador to address the country’s security challenges. It also has provided traditional security assistance worth $27 million to fight crime and reopened the Office of Security Cooperation in Ecuador.

Ecuador also requires US radar systems assistance since one-third of its territory lacks coverage by radar systems, making it difficult to monitor and control air traffic.

 The Biden administration is urged to increase cooperation with Ecuador to tackle unconventional security threats and organized crimes. A failure to do so would be catastrophic for Ecuador and for the prestige of the United States.


Ecuador promises fuel price cuts amid protests Mon, 27 Jun 2022 11:18:08 +0000

The move comes after an initial meting between the government and the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (Conaie), which began the demonstrations. No deal was reached, but the two sides agreed to begin dialogue after a state of emergency was lifted at the request of Conaie, more than a week after President Lasso imposed it. But the president is also facing political pressure amid the crisis. Over the weekend, the national parliament began a debate tabled by the opposition on removing him from office. It is set to conclude later this week. Full Text -> BBCNews

Traducción de cortesía -> La medida se produce luego de una reunión inicial entre el gobierno y la Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas del Ecuador (Conaie), que inició las manifestaciones. No se llegó a ningún acuerdo, pero las dos partes acordaron iniciar el diálogo luego de que se levantara el estado de emergencia a pedido de la Conaie, más de una semana después de que el presidente Lasso lo impusiera. Pero el presidente también enfrenta presiones políticas en medio de la crisis. Durante el fin de semana, el parlamento nacional inició un debate presentado por la oposición para destituirlo de su cargo. Está previsto que concluya a finales de esta semana

Cuatro barreras para los escolares venezolanos en Ecuador Tue, 12 Oct 2021 11:41:00 +0000

Los venezolanos en edad escolar no tienen la vía libre para acceder al sistema educativo ecuatoriano. La precariedad económica, la falta de documentos de identidad, la xenofobia y el acoso cerca de los centros educativos son las barreras que mantienen fuera del sistema educativo a 4 de cada 10 niños, niñas y adolescentes migrantes. Por Jorge Flores Riofrío. Texto completo -> VenezuelaMIgrante

Traducción de cortesía -> Venezuelans of school age do not have a free way to access the Ecuadorian educational system. Economic precariousness, lack of identity documents, xenophobia and harassment near educational centers are the barriers that keep 4 out of 10 migrant children and adolescents out of the educational system.

Juan Guaidó highlighted the arrival of Guillermo Laso to the Presidency of Ecuador Tue, 25 May 2021 14:44:30 +0000

Juan Guaidó congratulated the new President of Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso, on Monday on his inauguration, and He highlighted the importance of his coming to power for the Venezuelan cause. “We will work together to defend democracy in the region, and we know your commitment to Venezuela and freedom.”The Venezuelan interim president said on his social networks. ByCedric Manwaring. Full Text -> SundayVision

Leopoldo Lopez Met With The Mayor Of Guayaquil Mon, 24 May 2021 10:38:36 +0000

Discount Leopoldo Lopez and the Mayor of the Ecuadorian city of Guayaquil, Cynthia Vitry, met this Saturday before the inauguration of the new president of the Latin American state, Guillermo Laso, Which will be held next Monday and talked about the situation in Venezuela and the situation of Venezuelans who immigrated to the neighboring country. By Aygen Marsh. Full Text -> AmicoHoops

First Venezuela, Now Ecuador: US Refiners Need A New Source Of Heavy Crude Mon, 19 Apr 2021 20:59:54 +0000

U.S. refiners were forced to source their heavy crude from somewhere else after the United States sanctioned Venezuelan crude oil. Now, U.S. refiners may again be forced to resource crude oil as French bank Natixis stops funding the Ecuadorian oil trade. By Julianne Geiger. Full Text ->OilPrice

Ecuador’s President-Elect Calls for Increased International Pressure on Venezuela Wed, 14 Apr 2021 13:15:03 +0000

“I believe that we should insist on dialogue and diplomacy, but the international community should think of stronger pressure mechanisms to guarantee real democracy in Venezuela,” Lasso said in an interview with Colombian radio station FM. Full Text -> Sputnik

Banker Beats Socialist in Ecuador Runoff After Surprise Surge Mon, 12 Apr 2021 12:44:13 +0000

With 97% of the votes counted, the 65-year-old Lasso had 52.5% compared with 47.5% for economist Andres Arauz, a left-wing protege of former president Rafael Correa. The win caps a surprise last-minute comeback in the polls by the pro-market candidate in the final weeks after Arauz, who conceded defeat on Sunday’s vote, won the first round by 13 percentage points. By Stephan Kueffner. Full Text -> BNNBloomberg

Ecuador, Peru to elect presidents amid strengthened pandemic Fri, 09 Apr 2021 14:46:38 +0000

No candidate in each nation has garnered enough support to be a clear favorite, and after a year of collective suffering and corruption scandals, voters seem to be hoping for a winner who can pull them out of the pandemic’s economic mess with the least stumbles possible. By Garcia Cano. Full Text -> Independent
