Delcy Rodríguez – Summaries of news and views OnVenezuela Wed, 15 Dec 2021 13:42:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Delcy Rodríguez – Summaries of news and views OnVenezuela 32 32 The Netherlands prevents Delcy Rodríguez from entering the country as it is sanctioned by the EU Wed, 15 Dec 2021 13:42:34 +0000

The Government of the Netherlands has denied entry to its country to the number 2 of the Venezuelan regime, Delcy Rodriguez, because it is a person who is sanctioned by the European Union. The Chavista leader, who in Spain did enjoy privileged treatment in 2020 on a scale leading to Turkey, has now received the Dutch refusal when she tried to meet with the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), Karim Khan. Full Text -> MarketResearchTelecast

Versión en español -> El Gobierno de los Países Bajos ha denegado la entrada a su país a la número 2 del régimen venezolano, Delcy Rodríguez, porque se encuentra de una persona que está sancionada por la Unión Europea. La dirigente chavista, que en España sí gozó en 2020 de un trato privilegiado en una escala camino de Turquía, ha recibido ahora la negativa holandesa cuando pretendía reunirse con el fiscal jefe del Tribunal Penal Internacional (TPI), Karim Khan. Texto Completo ->OKDiario

Venezuela VP Says Economic Reforms ‘Defend’ Socialism Tue, 22 Jun 2021 13:01:19 +0000

Venezuela Vice President Delcy Rodriguez, says that the economic reforms recently implemented by President Nicolás Maduro are consistent with the administration’s guiding principles of Bolivarian socialism. She spoke exclusively in Caracas with Bloomberg’s Erik Schatzker. Full Video -> Bloomberg

US: T&T violated Rio Treaty with Venezuelan VP visit Wed, 13 May 2020 10:28:47 +0000

The United States Embassy has said that Government violated the 73-year-old Rio Treaty when Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodriguez landed in the country. “Delcy Rodriguez is subject to travel sanctions that are binding on all Rio Treaty parties, and Trinidad and Tobago is a party to the treaty,” the Embassy said. The Rio Treaty, otherwise known as the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance, is an agreement between countries in the Western Hemisphere as part of a mutual defence system. By Renuka Singh. Full Text-> T&T Guardian

UNC to Rowley: Stop deflecting and answer the questions on suspicious dealings with Venezuela Wed, 06 May 2020 12:28:52 +0000

Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley and his agents are now busy trying to deflect and distract from their suspicious dealings with Venezuela by using loaded words like “treason.” The fact is the United National Congress has never called for the imposition of any sanctions on our nation but sought to highlight how the misguided and reckless actions of the Rowley regime have jeopardized our nation. Full Text -> United National Congress

Venezuela crisis a political battleground in Spain Fri, 14 Feb 2020 05:36:00 +0000

A Spanish government minister is fending off calls to resign over an encounter he had last month with Venezuelan vice-president Delcy Rodríguez in Madrid, By Guy Hedgecoe. Full text -> The Irish Times

Spain-Venezuela encounter by tarmac unleashes speculation Fri, 24 Jan 2020 05:10:10 +0000

A secretive meeting this week by the tarmac of Madrid’s international airport between two prominent officials from Spain and Venezuela triggered a political storm on Thursday, with conservative parties pressing Spain’s left-wing government for full disclosure. By Aritz Parra. Full text -> WTMJ-AM
