Curacao – Summaries of news and views OnVenezuela Thu, 04 Aug 2022 11:41:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Curacao – Summaries of news and views OnVenezuela 32 32 Oil smuggling through Curaçao involving several companies Thu, 04 Aug 2022 05:20:00 +0000

According to the Colombian news channel Noticias Caracol, in February 2020, Curaçao was on an oil product smuggling route involving companies in Colombia, Panama and Venezuela. The network managed to circumvent international export restrictions on Venezuelan oil. Several journalists investigated this case.  Full Text-> CuracaoChronicles

Traducción de cortesía -> Según el canal de noticias colombiano Noticias Caracol, en febrero de 2020, Curazao se encontraba en una ruta de contrabando de productos petrolíferos que involucraba a empresas de Colombia, Panamá y Venezuela. La red logró eludir las restricciones internacionales a la exportación de petróleo venezolano. Varios periodistas investigaron este caso.

Amnesty International says Curacao denying protection to Venezuelan immigrants Wed, 13 Oct 2021 09:22:00 +0000

The human rights group says Venezuelan immigrants have been denied international protection by Curaçaoan and Dutch authorities.The group states they have documented at least 22 cases where human rights violations have occurred against Venezuelan immigrants including denial of their right to seek asylum. By Lexi Lonas . Full Text -> TheHill

Traducción de cortesía ->El grupo de derechos humanos dice que las autoridades de Curazao y Holanda les han negado protección internacional a los inmigrantes venezolanos y que han documentado al menos 22 casos en los que se han producido violaciones de derechos humanos contra inmigrantes venezolanos, incluida la denegación de su derecho a solicitar asilo.

Aruba: Border with Venezuela remains closed Fri, 12 Mar 2021 06:28:00 +0000

The Aruban government has decided that the borders with Venezuela will not be opened for the time being. A period of another three months has been agreed for this. Venezuela closed its borders with Aruba in February 2019. In May of that year, the regime in Caracas wanted to reopen the borders, but Aruba did not agree. Initially, closure was announced for a month, but then followed by a three-month extension. According to Prime Minister of Aruba Evelyn Wever-Croes, Aruba is still insufficiently prepared for a possible influx of Venezuelan citizens and therefore the border remains closed. Full Text ->Curaçao Chronicle

Curacao fuel oil sale touches Venezuela sanctions nerve Wed, 19 Aug 2020 13:07:44 +0000

A fuel oil cargo stuck off of the Dutch Caribbean island of Curacao is about to be released to an unnamed buyer in a closely monitored transaction that highlights maritime sensitivity to US sanctions on Venezuela. By Patricia Garip. Full Text-> ArgusMedia
