Culture – Summaries of news and views OnVenezuela Mon, 07 Mar 2022 14:18:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Culture – Summaries of news and views OnVenezuela 32 32 Remembranzas venezolanas Mon, 07 Mar 2022 14:18:14 +0000

Solamente deseo rememorar algunas figuras y obras a las que presté particular atención durante mis 40 años en Venezuela. Es un pequeño homenaje a diferentes personalidades que enriquecieron mi vida sin saberlo. Por Fernando Mendicoa. Texto Completo ->WSIMag

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In Medellín, this Venezuelan couple brings opera to your doorstep Thu, 09 Sep 2021 18:05:59 +0000

Stumbling upon a musical performance is not uncommon in Colombia’s second-largest city, Medellín. But hearing Puccini’s La bohème in the tranquil corners of nearby Envigado or Verdi’s La traviata under the tall tower blocks of Sabaneta is a scene that was, until recently, unimaginable. Pierino Priolo and his family started the street opera project during the pandemic, but the success made them determined to keep bringing lyrical art to every corner of the city. By Tereza Bizkova. Full Text-> BogotaPost

On Arepas and Whiteness Mon, 10 Aug 2020 10:54:00 +0000

My people write poetry about arepas. The Venezuelan writer Francisco Pimentel once wrote: It is necessary to be from our land / To know what the arepa contains. That should tell you everything I want you to know. But I’ll expand.By Naihobe Gonzalez. Full Text-> PankMagazine

El gran farsante by Luis Carlos Azuaje Sun, 02 Feb 2020 05:18:22 +0000

El gran farsante [The great pretender] brings a case from the outrageous national reality of Venezuela to the world of fiction. In April 2013, Yendrick Sánchez, a young man with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, ran up to the podium of the National Assembly while Nicolás Maduro gave his address upon taking office as president. His only crime was to interrupt the ceremony, standing in front of the microphone and saying, “Nicolás, my name is Yendrick, help me, please. By Gustavo Valle. Full text -> Latin American Literature Today
