Communism – Summaries of news and views OnVenezuela Tue, 01 Mar 2022 14:25:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Communism – Summaries of news and views OnVenezuela 32 32 “Victims of Communism Day”, a new US legislation Tue, 01 Mar 2022 14:24:52 +0000

The legislation singles out a day in memory of the “100 million victims of communism worldwide” and calls for inclusion of lessons on it in high school social studies class. By Anne Gegiss. Full Text -> Florida Politics

Traducción de cortesía -> La legislación destaca un día en memoria de los “100 millones de víctimas del comunismo en todo el mundo” y exige la inclusión de lecciones sobre el mismo en la clase de estudios sociales de la escuela secundaria. Traducción al español -> Google Translación

“The Chávez-Maduro ideology is one of the adaptations of communism”: Renato Cristin Tue, 07 Jul 2020 12:55:56 +0000

Renato Cristin is a philosopher and professor of Philosophical Hermeneutics at the University of Trieste, Italy, and is the promoter with Vladimir Bukovsky of the worldwide campaign Appeal for Nuremberg Trials for Communism, aimed at passing judgment on the historical crimes of communism. In this interview he answers questions about this initiative, communism’s role in current events, and a very critical look at – and denunciation of – the usurpatious regime of Nicolás Maduro and Chavism in Venezuela. Interview by Roberto Mansilla Blanco. Full Text -> PanamPost
