July 25, 2024

Maduro’s legitimacy questioned at the CELAC meeting


Maduro appeared at the last minute at a one-day meeting of the 33-member Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), on his first trip since the North American judicial system offered a reward for his capture. There he was challenged by various leaders who told him that they did not recognize him as the legitimate president of Venezuela. The presidents of Uruguay and Paraguay said that his presence at the summit did not mean that they recognize Maduro as president. While the meeting was taking place, the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs published a statement attacking Maduro’s lack of “democratic principles”. By OnVenezuela

Maduro appeared at the last minute at a one-day meeting of the 33-member Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), on his first trip since the US judicial system offered a reward for his capture. There he was challenged by various leaders who told him that they did not recognize him as the legitimate president of Venezuela. The presidents of Uruguay and Paraguay said that his presence at the summit did not mean that they recognize Maduro as president. While the meeting was taking place, the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs published a statement attacking Maduro’s lack of “democratic principles.”

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