Summaries of news and views OnVenezuela Fri, 26 Apr 2024 14:16:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Summaries of news and views OnVenezuela 32 32 Can Edmundo González Win the Venezuelan Presidency? Wed, 24 Apr 2024 15:22:48 +0000

Former diplomat Edmundo González Urrutia has been endorsed by the opposition for the upcoming elections in Venezuela. Key opposition figures, María Corina Machado and Manuel Rosales, have agreed on González Urrutia as their representative, with Rosales officially resigning his candidacy to back González Urrutia. His candidacy, albeit initially met with silence by the National Electoral Council (CNE), has been approved close to the deadline, surprisingly giving the opposition a stronger position. International pressure and ongoing negotiations with the US might have influenced this acceptance. More Consulting’s April poll predicts a likely landslide victory for the opposition, backed by Machado, with around 50% of voters in their favor. Machado’s popularity and leadership, despite being banned from running for office, are seen as crucial assets. The opposition has been successful in keeping the public engaged with activities such as Machado’s intensive primaries’ campaign across the country and the formation of grassroots community groups. They have also initiated the 600K Plan to organize electoral witnesses. However, the Chavista regime has been attempting strategies to offset the opposition’s momentum, such as detentions and candidates’ bans. Venezuelan opposition figure Edmundo González Urrutia’s candidacy could unite varying factions in the opposition. This unity might secure more support against the ruling party. However, González Urrutia faces significant obstacles, such as Chavismo’s control over the Electoral Council and judicial system. Backup candidate Enrique Márquez is under consideration. Additionally, Colombian president Gustavo Petro has proposed a plebiscite to guarantee a democratic pact. González Urrutia, lacking elected office experience and social media presence, faces hurdles to build his public image amidst challenges like censorship and misinformation. Original Text by Tony Frangie Mawad-> CaracasChronicle

EGU: Es la hora de avanzar unidos por el triunfo electoral Wed, 24 Apr 2024 15:02:28 +0000

Apostamos por una Venezuela de todos, donde nadie sienta temor a ser perseguido por sus ideas, una Venezuela con justicia donde se garantice la autonomía e independencia de los poderes públicos.

Estamos comprometidos a llevar adelante una transición en la que se garantice la libertad de los presos políticos, el retorno de los exiliados y de todos los venezolanos que se han ido y quieran regresar; la adecuación de los poderes públicos para que prive la independencia de los mismos, y el posicionamiento para que nuestro país vuelva a ser una referencia democrática internacional.

La profesión que ejercí durante muchos años, me otorga las herramientas para entender el comportamiento que debe tener Venezuela en un mundo turbulento, plagado de conflictos en medio de crecientes incertidumbres y cuestionamientos.

Hemos recibido incontables manifestaciones de solidaridad, de respaldo y de apoyo, las cuales son un estímulo para continuar este camino de la reconstrucción democrática.

Es la hora de marchar unidos por la recuperación de nuestra democracia, es la hora de poner a un lado nuestras diferencias y trabajar juntos por alcanzar el triunfo electoral del venidero mes de julio.

Levanto las banderas de la unidad amplia e íntegra que brinde perspectiva y visión de futuro.

Es la hora de la Unión de todos los venezolanos. 

Tomado de el video -> YouTube

¡Por fin! Edmundo González, único candidato postulado de la oposición Tue, 23 Apr 2024 21:32:44 +0000

En la tarde de este martes, finalmente, el Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE) recibió a los representantes del Un Nuevo (UNT) para realizar la modificación de su postulación y adherirse a la candidatura presidencial unitaria de Edmundo González Urrutia. Minutos antes, el Movimiento por Venezuela (MPV), liderado por Simón Calzadilla, informó que también logró modificar su postulación y adherirse a la candidatura unitaria de Edmundo González Urrutia. Las modificaciones ocurrieron en el último día de la prórroga establecida por el CNE, luego de varios días en los que las autoridades electorales se negaron a recibir a los representantes de UNT y MPV y que el sistema digital estuvo bloqueado. Texto Completo -> Monitoreamos

USA Report on Human Rights Practices in Venezuela. Tue, 23 Apr 2024 20:46:31 +0000

There were no significant changes in the human rights situation in Venezuela during the year. Significant human rights issues included credible reports of: unlawful or arbitrary killings, including extrajudicial killings; enforced disappearance; torture or cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment by security forces; harsh and life-threatening prison conditions; arbitrary arrest or detention by security forces; serious problems with the independence of the judiciary; political prisoners or detainees; arbitrary or unlawful interference with privacy; punishment of family members for alleged offenses by a relative; unlawful recruitment or use of children by illegal armed groups; serious restrictions on freedom of expression and media freedom, including violence or threats of violence against journalists, unjustified arrests or prosecutions of journalists, censorship, and enforcement of or threat to enforce criminal libel laws to limit expression; serious restrictions on internet freedom; substantial interference with the freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of association, including overly restrictive laws on the organization, funding, or operation of nongovernmental and civil society organizations; restrictions on freedom of movement and on the ability to leave the country; inability of citizens to change their government peacefully through free and fair elections; serious and unreasonable restrictions on political participation; serious government corruption; serious government restrictions on or harassment of domestic and international human rights organizations; extensive gender-based violence, including domestic or intimate partner violence, sexual violence, workplace violence, femicide, and other forms of such violence; significant barriers to access to sexual and reproductive health services; crimes involving violence or threats of violence targeting Indigenous peoples such as the Yanomami; trafficking in persons; crimes involving violence or threats of violence targeting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or intersex persons; prohibiting independent trade unions or significant or systematic restrictions on workers’ freedom of association, such as violence and threats against labor activists; and the worst forms of child labor. Representatives of Nicolás Maduro Moros did not take credible steps or action to identify and punish officials who may have committed human rights abuses. There were reports nonstate armed groups and criminal gangs engaged in violence, human trafficking, child recruitment, exploitation of Indigenous communities, and sexual abuse. See full report -> State Departament

La CPI abre oficialmente su oficina en Venezuela Mon, 22 Apr 2024 09:00:00 +0000

El fiscal de la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI), Karim Khan, inauguró una oficina de asistencia técnica en Caracas, en su cuarta visita a Venezuela. La inauguración se produjo tras conversaciones con las autoridades venezolanas destinadas a lanzar un “plan de trabajo” conjunto. El papel de la oficina sería, de acuerdo con los principios de complementariedad y cooperación, apoyar los esfuerzos para mejorar las iniciativas nacionales de justicia y aumentar la presencia sobre el terreno de la Fiscalía. Khan expresó la oportunidad única que esto presenta para profundizar las investigaciones sobre presuntos crímenes de lesa humanidad y para formar un vínculo entre los sistemas legales y el apoyo técnico ofrecido por la oficina. Venezuela se encuentra bajo investigación por la Fiscalía de la CPI por presuntos crímenes de lesa humanidad desde noviembre de 2021. La investigación fue suspendida a solicitud de Caracas, bajo la condición de que Venezuela investigue internamente los presuntos crímenes. Después de desestimar los argumentos del gobierno venezolano para suspender la investigación, Khan solicitó a la Sala de Cuestiones Preliminares en noviembre de 2022 que la reanudara. La CPI, creyendo que la investigación debería continuar, rechazó una apelación del gobierno venezolano en 2023. Posteriormente, la Sala de Apelaciones dictó sentencia contra la apelación de Venezuela, autorizando a la CPI a reanudar su investigación. Texto original por->EFE

Venezuela Opposition Unites Around Candidate in Surprise Twist Sat, 20 Apr 2024 14:53:36 +0000

Venezuela’s opposition unit is rallying behind Edmundo González, a former ambassador, for the upcoming elections. Key opposition figures like Manuel Rosales withdrew their candidacy in favor of González, signaling a strong unified front against President Nicolás Maduro’s re-election campaign for a third term. The united stance comes following reimposed oil and gas sanctions by the US on Venezuela. Despite polling results showing Maduro with a 27.7% voter intention and González at 6.9%, the inclusion of significant endorsements, especially from María Corina Machado, boosts González’s campaign to moe than 45%. The opposition coalition’s unity could force a fairer election. Original Text by Andreina Itriago Acosta in-> Bloomberg News

Quién es Edmundo González Urrutia-> Infobaes

Anuncio de la candidatura unitria de Edmundo González para las elecciones presidenciales del próximo 28 de julio en Venezuela. Ver video-> Youtube

¿What the evidence says about the effects of the sanctions? Sat, 20 Apr 2024 10:07:00 +0000

The impact of sanctions on Venezuelan economy and oil industry has been an ongoing debate. Some experts argue that sanctions have detrimental effects on the economy and living conditions. However, others suggest that sanctions had only a “partial” effect on the decrease in oil production. While some studies point out that sanctions are responsible for the humanitarian crisis. Contrasting views emerged, indicating that the humanitarian crisis predated the sanctions.  The precipitous decline in oil production after the January 2019 sanctions is attributed primarily to local problems, such as electric blackouts and mismanagement. Oil production increased again in 2022 through shady deals, an increase in illegal trade, and geopolitical changes by redirecting oil sales, legally or illegally, to countries such as China, Russia, and India. Some submitted that U.S. sanctions caused a sharp drop in Venezuelan public imports. Others disputed these conclusions. Even more, they argued that sanctions forced economic liberalization, aiding in economic growth from late 2021 to 2022. Ultimately, it’s agreed that Venezuela’s complex political economy and elements of corruption make it difficult to determine sanctions’ precise impact. Original Text-> CaracasChronicles

Our book” International Castrochavismo: 20 Years of Ambition, Subversion, and Destruction” is now out. Thu, 18 Apr 2024 16:20:16 +0000

Ya salió la versión en Inglés de nuestro libro “Castrochavismo internacional: 20 años de ambición y destrucción”. Se consigue en Amazon -> International Castrochavismo: 20 Years of Ambition, Subversion, and Destruction

With no fair elections in sight, oil sanctions return. Wed, 17 Apr 2024 20:47:58 +0000

The Biden administration has reimposed tight oil sanctions on Venezuela, reverting previously eased restrictions that were in hopes of fostering democratic change. A U.S official indicated that any U.S. firms active in Venezuela have 45 days to conclude their operations. The U.S. had relaxed sanctions on Venezuela’s state-run oil, gas, mining sectors in October, after the Maduro government agreed to collaborate with the opposition for a fair presidential election. However, Maduro is accused of undermining this agreement, with actions such as hindering his primary rival, ex-lawmaker Maria Corina Machado, from registering her candidacy; and arresting numerous government critics. This latest move from the U.S. bans U.S. enterprises from trading with state-run oil producer PDVSA without a specific U.S. Treasury Department license. The impact of these abrupt changes on Venezuela’s struggling oil and gas industry is uncertain, and it is unclear whether the tightened sanctions will force Maduro to provide fairer electoral conditions. The sanctions’ reinforcement does not directly affect Chevron, the last major U.S. oil driller in Venezuela, which increased shipments thanks to a license issued in 2022 amidst the potential impairment of global energy supplies by Russia’s Ukraine invasion. Find full Text by Joshua Goodman And Regina Garcia Cano in -> TheNationalPost

Note -> You have to read the “fine print” of the OFAC document, because although it suspends the GL (general license) it says that each company can request an SL (Special License) to operate in Venezuela, which “will be individually analyzed according to the security of the United States.” by Ricardo Ríos @riosdefrente in-> X

Jorge Rodríguez: ¿sucesor de Nicolás Maduro? Wed, 17 Apr 2024 14:28:12 +0000

Jorge Rodríguez, quien buscó el poder para vengar el asesinato de su padre -líder guerrillero en los años setenta- opera junto al presidente, dividiendo a la oposición y confundiendo a los países que esperan una apertura democrática del chavismo. Rodríguez, aliado importante de Nicolás Maduro, podría ser su posible sucesor. Es psiquiatra y, ha desempeñado un papel relevante en confundir a la oposición y a las entidades internacionales que esperan una apertura democrática en Venezuela. Su influencia comenzó en 2003 como director del CNE, jugando un papel fundamental durante varias elecciones. Ha ido ocupando cargos de mayor posición e influencia, llegando a ocupar el cargo de vicepresidente, y actualmente de presidente de la Asamblea Nacional. Su hermana Delsy Rodríguez es la actual vicepresidente de Venezuela, mostrando la influencia de la dupla Rodríguez. Su reputación de identificar los errores de la oposición y generar ventajas políticas lo convierte en una figura divisiva en Venezuela, y alguien que podría liderar la transición cuando Maduro renuncie. Rodríguez ha jugado un papel decisivo en la construcción de la narrativa de que su gobierno es un grupo de demócratas asediados por una oposición violenta, y su objetivo ha sido aliviar al gobierno venezolano de su responsabilidad por crímenes de lesa humanidad. Ha sido el gran negociador del gobierno. Logró la liberación de Álex Saab, y ha sido cabeza gubernamental de las diferentes negociaciones con la oposición, incluyendo los acuerdos de Barbados, lo que demuestra su importante influencia en la política regional. Sin embargo, los críticos sugieren que la cruzada política de Rodríguez carece de la benevolencia que prometió inicialmente, ya que su gobierno mantiene un catálogo de prisioneros políticos, persigue a sus opositores y ha provocado una estampida migratoria y una crisis de refugiados que afecta a la región. A pesar de sus maniobras políticas, las ambiciones de Rodríguez podrían no extenderse hasta la presidencia misma, según algunas fuentes. Ver texto original por Sinar Alvarado en -> El País
