August 8, 2024

‘El Pollo’ Carvajal gave evidence of the 8.8 million that Venezuela paid Garzón

Courtesy of VOA

This Thursday, at the last minute, an envelope sent by the former head of the Intelligence of the Venezuelan dictatorship Hugo The chicken Carvajal. His defense carried it in his hand. The inside of the envelope keeps the first evidence provided by the Chavista general to the judge of the National High Court Manuel García-Castellón, which is investigating a case on terrorism and corruption that is under summary secrecy. As OKDIARIO has learned, the documents provided exclusively point to the former judge Baltasar Garzón for 8.8 million that he collected presumably from Venezuela. Full Text-> Market Research Telecast

Este jueves, a última hora, un sobre enviado por el exjefe de Inteligencia de la dictadura venezolana Hugo El Pollo Carvajal. Su defensa lo llevaba en la mano. En el interior del sobre se guarda la primera prueba aportada por el general chavista al juez de la Audiencia Nacional Manuel García-Castellón, que investiga un caso de terrorismo y corrupción que se encuentra bajo secreto sumario. Según ha podido saber OKDIARIO, los documentos aportados apuntan exclusivamente al ex juez Baltasar Garzón por 8,8 millones que cobró presuntamente de Venezuela.

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