The both the Senate and House version of the bill leaves a revolving door for TPS recipients, with the House’s legislation specifically...
In Venezuela, Sargeant conspired to pay bribes to various PDVSA officials in order to, among other things: (a) purchase asphalt...
Johsie Cruz, a Venezuelan-native, is running for Congressional District 4 after winning the Republican primary for the seat (Georgia). Full...
The call by former presidential candidate Henrique Capriles came hours after the European Union made a similar plea, reiterating that...
The EU’s policy vis-à-vis Venezuela remains unchanged: the conditions are not currently there for a free, fair and democratic electoral...
“The EU’s policy vis-à-vis Venezuela remains unchanged: the conditions are not currently there for a free, fair and democratic electoral...
Thousands of Venezuelans have been murdered for opposing the Maduro regime. Their deaths are reported as “resisting authority,” which is...
In Venezuela, Biden appears likely to continue to favor sanctions to pressure the regime of President Nicolas Maduro, but could...
The U.S. Department of State is offering multi-million dollar rewards for information leading to the arrest or conviction of three...
The Trump administration on Sunday accused the European Union of undermining its efforts to isolate authoritarian Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro,...