August 8, 2024

‘Castrochavismo’ in Peru: plurinational state, nationalizations and narco-state


In three months in office, President of Peru Pedro Castillo has made very clear he belongs and depends on the 21st century socialism, also known as Castro-Chavism. He also has made very clear his decision to repeat the plan -already applied in Bolivia- to destroy the “Peruvian Nation” and supplant it by a “Plurinational state”; to carry out expropriations starting with the “nationalization of the Camisea” gas field; and institutionalize a “narco-state” by stimulating coca leaf crops and production of cocaine. By Carlos Sánchez Berzaín. Full Text-> InteramericanInstituteforDemocracy

Versión en español -> En tres meses de gestión el Presidente de Perú Pedro Castillo ha dejado muy clara su pertenencia y dependencia al socialismo del siglo XXI o castrochavismo y la decisión de repetir el plan -ya aplicado en Bolivia- para destruir la “Nación Peruana” y suplantarla por un “estado plurinacional”, realizar expropiaciones comenzando con la “nacionalización de Camisea” e institucionalizar un “narcoestado” a partir de la producción de cocaína. Texto Completo-> INFOBAES

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