July 27, 2024

Apostolic Nuncio Aldo Giordano says goodbye to Venezuela and declines Maduro’s decoration


“I have asked on behalf of the pope to renounce this decoration because Pope Francis tells us:‘ in a country, you, my representatives, must go to serve, to help, and not to seek any kind of honor. ” This was pointed out by Giordano after thanking Maduro for the attention during his stay in Venezuela.
“I have my heart in this country, the hope, the struggle, the wishes of this dear people (…) I have been fortunate to say goodbye to Venezuela with the beatification of José Gregorio Hernández, it remains in my heart,” he said.

Before leaving the presidential palace, where the farewell ceremony was held, he stated that “it is very difficult to leave Venezuela.”

“In these years I have nurtured the friendship between us. The people of Venezuela have stolen my heart, I have been lucky enough to visit many places in this country ”, he concluded.
Monsignor Aldo Giordano, after serving for seven years as the Vatican’s representative in the country, has been appointed as Apostolic Nuncio to the European Union (EU). By OnVenezuela

Translation/ Traducción