July 25, 2024

Guaidó proposes a “National Salvation Pact”

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The “National Salvation Pact” proposed by Guaidó:

  1. Publication of a calendar of free and fair general elections, including presidential and parliamentary elections. With observation and international support
  2. Guarantees for all actors, both from the opposition and from Chavismo.
  3. Entry of humanitarian aid including vaccines
  4. Incentives from the international community as the agreement progresses, such as the progressive lifting of sanctions. And the application of transitional justice
  5. Release of all political prisoners and return of exiles

All this within a process of negotiation, search for unity and struggle for electoral conditions.

This agreement would have the backing of the opposition led by Guaidó, Chavismo and the international community. By OnVenezuela

Translation/ Traducción