July 25, 2024

Guaidó pointed out Maduro’s ties with terrorist groups


“Maduro has dangerous military, intelligence and economic ties with regimes like Iran, Russia, Cuba and China. These ties also extend to international narco-terrorist groups such as the ELN and the FARC dissidents, (and) also with Hezbollah ” said the interim president of Venezuela Juan Guaidó during his speech at the Sedona Forum, organized by the McCain Institute.

He also adds that because The Maduro dictatorship allowed “all that transnational organized crime corporation” it “represents a serious threat to the stability and peace of the region…”

Guaido also referred to the ecocide that takes place in the Orinoco Mining Arc and the situation of armed conflict that is developing in southern Venezuela, on the border with Colombia, which has brought human rights violations and several hundred refugees. By OnVenezuela

Guiadó at “Defenders of Democracy: Global Voices from the Frontlines” -> video

Translation/ Traducción