August 4, 2024

The return of the Monroe doctrine

Retrieved from The Economist

Under President Donald Trump, the Monroe doctrine seems to be back. In 2019 John Bolton, then Mr Trump’s national security adviser, proclaimed it to be “alive and well” in a speech in which he pledged to topple the dictatorships of Venezuela and Cuba. The United States has so far failed in that, but its neo-Monrovianism has now produced a victory. It will take over the presidency of the Inter-American Development Bank (idb), a big regional lender which, though based in Washington, dc, has been in Latin American hands since its founding in 1959. On September 12th a virtual meeting of the board of governors chose Mauricio Claver-Carone, the Trump administration’s top official for Latin America, as the bank’s president. Bello Column. Full Text-> The Economist

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