July 25, 2024

Venezuela offers military aid to Russia in its conflict with the US

Courtesy of President of Russia

The diplomat emphasized that the forms of effective assistance from Caracas can be different. “Venezuela has quite a developed infrastructure of ports. It has deep-water ports and civilian ports. There is a wide range of the Venezuelan Navy’s bases. Another thing is that this is quite a sensitive topic, what is more, our aircraft carriers, guided missile cruisers have called here. And we see absolutely nothing extraordinary in that,” Melik-Bagdasarov concluded. Full Text-> TASS

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El diplomático enfatizó que las formas de asistencia efectiva desde Caracas pueden ser diferentes.“Venezuela tiene una infraestructura portuaria bastante desarrollada. Tiene puertos de aguas profundas y puertos civiles. Hay una amplia gama de bases de la Armada de Venezuela. Otra cosa es que este es un tema bastante sensible, es más, nuestros portaaviones, cruceros de misiles guiados han llamado aquí. Y no vemos absolutamente nada extraordinario en eso”, concluyó Melik-Bagdasarov. To translate into Spanish -> Google Translación

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