August 1, 2024

Chavismo Trolls Its Way Around the Crimes Against Humanity Investigation

Retrieved from Gobierno Bolivariano de Venezuela

Chavismo sought to dominate the conversation about the ICC’s decision, tried to position the narrative that there’s no need for an investigation, and simulated support for that narrative with thousands of messages. The regime also needs to stimulate the perception that Khan is an ally, not an enemy. Meanwhile, civil society and citizens told another story, exposed the cases of human rights violations, and demanded justice beyond the crimes that occurred in the 2014-2019 protests. “This is another episode of ‘chavismo’s classic fantasies’: they simulate control, create inorganic support, misinform on the case, create interpretations of why they are being attacked and silence the people who are denouncing violence from the government,” says Probox. Full Text -> CaracasChronicles

Traducción de cortesía -> Chavismo sought to dominate the conversation about the ICC’s decision, tried to position the narrative that there’s no need for an investigation, and simulated support for that narrative with thousands of messages. The regime also needs to stimulate the perception that Khan is an ally, not an enemy. Meanwhile, civil society and citizens told another story, exposed the cases of human rights violations, and demanded justice beyond the crimes that occurred in the 2014-2019 protests. “This is another episode of‘ Chavismo’s classic fantasies ’: they simulate control, create inorganic support, misinform on the case, create interpretations of why they are being attacked and silence the people who are denouncing violence from the government,” says Probox.

Translation/ Traducción